Inmoclinc module hospital carts, utilizing removable module baskets as drawers, making them easy to clean and infection control compliant. Multifunction Carts and Transport trolleys designed around the ISO 60x40 Standard
Protect Physicians and Staff During All Procedures from Harmful Scatter Radiation
Scatter Protection
Scatter Armor provide scatter radiation protection for radial and many other types of procedures. KIARMOR Bi-Layer is the most protective core material against scatter radiation.
How it works
Scatter Armor Shields are placed on top of the patient drape to block scatter radiation at the source, creating a scatter-free zone, reducing harmful radiation exposure to the doctor or clinician.
Scatter Armor Shields utilize the highest absorbency in the industry, critical in heavy fluid situations.
Absorbent Rate: 1.3 sec
Weight: 2.36 osy / 80 gsm
Abosrbent Capacity: 686% | 16.2osy / 549 gsm
Scatter Armor Multipurpose Shield
Shunt, biliary drainage, spinal, stents, and diagnostics
12″ x 17″ Shield Size
Individually packaged and sterile
100% lead free for easy disposal
SA-MPS (Qty 15)
SA-MPS-CS (Qty 45)
Scatter Armor Multipurpose Shield with Fenestration
12″ x 16.5″ Shield Size
3.5″ x 2″ Fenestration size
Individually packaged and sterile
100% lead free for easy disposal
SA-MPF (Qty 15)
SA-MPF-CS (Qty 45)
Scatter Armor Dialysis Drape
38.5″ x 36″ Shield Size
4.5″ x 9″ Fenestration Size
100% lead free for easy disposal
Individually packaged and sterile
SA-DDD (Qty 10)
SA-DDD-CS (Qty 30)
Scatter Armor Biliary Split Shield
12″ x 17″ Shield size
100% lead free for easy disposal
Individually packaged and sterile
SA-BSS (Qty 15)
SA-BSS-CS (Qty 45)
Scatter Armor EP Shield with Scoop Fenestration
Subclavian access: pacemaker implants, ICS procedures, and biventricular pacing
12″ x 17″ Shield Size
3.5″ x 1.5″ Fenestration Size
100% lead free for easy disposal
Individually packaged and sterile
SA-EPS (Qty 15)
SA-EPS-CS (Qty 45)
Scatter Armor Angiography Shield
Angiography, stents, coronary catheterization
12″ x 17″ Shield size
1.5″ circle Fenestration size
100% lead free for easy disposal
Individually packaged and sterile
SA-AGS (Qty 15)
SA-AGS-CS (Qty 45)